Simple Steps To Do To Train Your Dog

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Simple Steps To Do To Train Your Dog 1

To have a happy life with your dog, you need to make sure that it is properly trained. A well mannered dog shows what both of you know and expect from the other. After proper training there will be less to worry about and you will be able to live him or her home alone with confidence. The time spent training a dog is paid back tenfold during your dog’s lifetime. Training is not easy, but it is very rewarding.

When crate training a puppy, try to make your puppy feel like the crate is his home. All meals and water bowls should be placed within the crate. This will help the dog make a positive association between the food and the crate.

When correcting your dog, be concise. Yelling and screaming at your dog is counterproductive. Be firm and get them to do your bidding. In addition, use an appropriate voice volume when you give commands, so that it grabs the dog’s attention and lets it know that you are serious.

Give your puppy his own toys that he can chew to remove pain due to teething, and keep him away from chewing other items. Give it an actual chew toy in its place. If painful teething is the problem, let the puppy chew on a wet washcloth that has been frozen.

Pick the proper size crate for your dog if you want to be able to effectively use the crate to train it. Do not forget that all puppies will grow up. Choose a large enough crate to offer extra space beyond your dog’s dimensions. They have to be comfortable moving around inside to ensure they aren’t crowded.

In order to prevent your dog from jumping on you, grab its paws anytime he jumps on you and gently squeeze them to inform them that this isn’t acceptable behavior. While this will not seriously hurt the animal, it is certainly unpleasant and therefore makes a powerful statement. In time, they will cease jumping on humans, as they will have the negative association with the squeezing.

Make sure you avoid all the accidents you can whenever you’re toilet-training your dog. Be able to tell when your dog has to go out. They may pace, sniff, whine or walk in circles. If you see your dog exhibiting these behaviors, jump right up and grab the leash. Get his leash and take him out to his designated toilet spot! Praise him for appropriate toileting. In time, he will ask you to take him out.

Keep track of how many treats used to reward your dog every day for a healthy diet. You can’t ignore the calories that treats contain, though many individuals do.

Canine training is mostly about being consistent with your pooch and setting the rules of your relationship. Once those are set, you’ll find you both enjoy your time together even more! It is important that you are always reinforcing what you have taught your dog. Do not let him stray from good behavior over time, and stay firm if he does. Once your dog is trained properly, your dog can do so much more.