It can take a lot of work training a brand new puppy. But, it is imperative that you train your new pet so that you and your family are safe and happy with them. Positive training is the only method worth using. Consistency and patience are key elements in puppy training. Set aside about twenty to thirty minutes each day. This is the amount in which they’re most receptive. Beyond that point, your pet may become very bored.
Training your dog requires generous rewards that are given correctly. If you give your dog some treats at the proper time, they will respond to training. A dog doesn’t always know when it’s being rewarded if they don’t get a treat at the proper time.
To limit your dog’s barking, see if you can acclimate them to whatever triggers their barking. Maybe it’s a specific sound, or perhaps it’s being near other people or certain animals. Your dog will eventually learn not to react in these situations.
Don’t bog your puppy down with more information than he can process. You need to keep your training sessions short so that your puppy pays attention. If you overdo it, he is likely to forget everything he learned and simply remember the experience in an unfavorable light, making it that much harder for you the next time you attempt the training.
To enforce good behavior when training your dog, remember to praise him regularly. Smile at your dog and provide it with treats to assist your dog in associated good behavior with positive rewards. Be careful that you do not inadvertently reward unwanted behavior or your dog will think you want him to repeat it.
One thing to remember when dog training is that all your actions are molding its behavior and personality. If you send your dog the wrong message with teasing or roughhousing, he may have problems interpreting your actions and acting accordingly. Work towards behavior that is desired when training your dog.
With a little work, you can train your puppy to hold off going to the bathroom until it is safely outside. When you are home, take your dog outside hourly. When he does his toilet outside, remember to praise him. If your dog has an accident in the home, do not scold him. He won’t know what he did wrong and will learn nothing. Once your dog drinks or eats, take him out 15 minutes after finishing. Also, be sure to take him outside after he has exited his crate.
Teach your dog to learn ‘down’. This is useful on its own, but also opens up other tricks. The “down” command is excellent to use when your dog is exhibiting aggressive behavior.
Do not punish your dog when you are training him. If your dog does not follow the correct behavior, instead of punishing him, gently teach him what to do instead. Training a pet should allow you to teach your pet and connect with him; the process should focus on positive communication.
When thinking about barking, stay aware of activities or the environment when the dog is barking too much. When you understand these triggers, you will better understand how to stop the behavior. For instance, if your dog barks when someone knocks at your door, have a friend help you with training by triggering your dog’s barking as you teach him the “quiet” command.
These ideas will keep your dog on the up and up. Your belongings, other people and even your pet will be safer. If you use the training tips found here, you are sure to have success in training your dog, particularly if you remain consistent and are patient.