You thought you were bringing home Lassie from the pound, but some days it feels more like you might have brought home Cujo! Proper training can transform your puppy, into the Lassie you thought you’d brought home.
Dogs have a tendency to zone in on one particular thing until something else grabs their attention. With enough training, your dog should be able to pay more attention to your orders.
You have to be consistent with the crate training of your new puppy. When letting a puppy out of a crate, you need to let them relieve themselves immediately. As he gets older, he will gain greater control of his bodily functions, making it easier to control himself.
Your dog may not learn a command right away. You may need to repeat the command more than 20 or 30 times. Keep working patiently on the command- he’ll get it with time.
Showing him that you are in control is the first lesson to teach your dog. Make sure he knows that you know what you are doing and are in control of the situation. Then he will look to you and defer to your judgment. Demonstrate your position of authority to your dog by leading the way whenever the two of you are walking.
Always be patient when you train your dog. Patience is the best way to keep your dog from becoming confused and for you to remain calm. Your dog will do its best, but give your dog enough time to remember orders. You need to remember that your puppy needs to form the association between the word and the behavior you expect.
Take note of the tone of your voice as you discipline your pet. Dogs can be very perceptive and can pick up cues from their owners about how the owner is feeling. Use a stern voice when you are correcting your dog.
It might be hard, but you must be patient around your dog. Your dog does not understand English, nor is he a person. He will only pick up on your physical gestures and your tone without knowing why you’re acting such a way. Remain calm and take a break when you become too frustrated during training sessions.
Does your dog pull on the leash? Many dog owners have this complaint, but it’s also quite simple to rectify. You should go to a good pet store and purchase a harness to reduce the pulling and make your daily walks easier.
Many owners are surprised by how basic training your dog can be added to their life and just how fast they can see results. Try out these tips if you are having problems with your dog.