Puppy training takes place for many reasons. Dogs can be trained to hunt or to protect, and they can also be trained to do tricks for enjoyment. Dogs are well known for wanting to please their owners. This is one of the reasons that they are such great pets. The following article will allow you to learn how to properly train your dog.
Get your dog into a feeding routine. Feed your dog at the same times every day, so that he knows what to expect. Soon your dog will be finished with the meal before you are ready to remove the dish.
Regulate your dog’s feeding time if you want to regulate his “potty” times too. To have your dog on a consistent bathroom schedule, have him or her eating quality food about two or three times every day, at the exact same time. That way, you’ll know when you need to take your doggie out to “go”.
When starting to train a dog, make verbal cues that let the animal know the exact time when they correctly carry out a command. Using an affirmative word can help your dog understand they did their part and it is time for a treat.
Have a good treat ready for your dog when it completes something that you ask. The treat helps your dog to know that you think he has done well. Doing so leaves no question as to whether a behavior is considered acceptable or strictly forbidden.
Puppy training starts with patience. This will cause you not to be frustrated and angry with your dog during this process. Your dog wants to make you happy, but sometimes it just does not understand you.
Get your dog’s attention the same way every time. Use your dog’s name when giving a command. This will get his attention so he knows to follow the command. Dogs are more likely to respond immediately whenever their name is called because they are aware that you want their attention.
Teaching a puppy their name is one of the first steps to undertake and creates a lasting bond. Use his name frequently, and train him to come to you when called. His name should be the first word he learns. Spend lots of time with your dog, so it gets to know you and understands that you are to be trusted. This way, you will find future training to be infinitely easier.
In order to have a great dog, you need to learn control and firmness. However, that doesn’t mean yelling at your dog. Be loving while maintaining your authority. This way you will develop a strong bond with your dog.
Your dog needs to be trained throughout his entire life to ensure excellent behavior. Dogs do not cease learning after puppyhood. Reinforce the positive behaviors, reward your dog for being obedient and punish your dog for its bad behavior.
If your pet is a problematic barker, try this training tip. Choose a simple word or directive you can use to quiet him down and discourage barking. As the dog begins barking, display a treat and then repeat your order until the barking ceases. Then, you reward them with a treat. If this is done with sufficient frequency, the dog is sure to associate treats with the command to be silent.
Consistently train your dog. If more than one family member is training your pet, make sure they all you the same commands, rewards and discipline. When a dog only associates one word with each action, it is easier on him.
Wearing a puppy out by overloading it with information and training is counterproductive. Puppies have a very limited attention span. When doing training, make them in small short sessions and always make them positive. If you try too hard to train the puppy, he will probably just forget what you have taught him and will see the experience as bad. This will make it more difficult to train the puppy at a later time.
As you can see, dogs are trained for a variety of different reasons and applications. Dogs want to please their owners, and when you have a good dog they are a pleasant addition to any family. The tips supplied to you here can enable a trouble-free experience in training your cherished pet.