Dog Training Doesn’t Have To Be A Chore

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A lot of people adopt dogs without thinking the decision through. Dog ownership requires real commitment and dedication. Training a dog improves their behavior and reduces the amount of trouble they get into. If you need to train your dog, the provided article has enough information to help you.

Crate train your puppy in small steps, so that the training is most effective. When your dog appears to be at ease while inside the crate with the door ajar, you can help him adjust to the crate even further by slowly latching the door and rewarding him with treats fed to him through the spaces between the wires. Keep the gate closed for short periods of time, and work your way up to longer times. If the dog becomes overwhelmed, it means that you are moving too quickly for them.

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Good behavior means rewards! Give your dog a treat after they properly respond to your commands, but only if they are nice and calm. This will help to excite your dog and leave you in complete control. Remain calm, expect them to be calm, and then award them when appropriate.

A dog needs a healthy diet as much as a dog owner does. A bad diet can cause your dog many problems. This is not just bad for the dog’s health; it may also play a role in their negative behavior. Improving your dog’s diet can make training him easier.

Chew Toys

Nylabone Dura Chew Textured Toy, Peanut Butter/Chicken/Bacon
Chew Textured Toy, Peanut Butter/Chicken/Bacon

Make sure your teething puppy has a bunch of chew toys readily available to him, and keep other things he likes to chew on away from him. Give it one of his chew toys immediately. Chew toys are essential for puppies who are experiencing pain from teething. A great alternative is a frozen wash cloth.

Multiple repetitions will be necessary for a dog to learn new commands. You may need to repeat the command more than 20 or 30 times. Continue repeating the command patiently, and eventually your dog will understand it.

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Dog House

You should train your dog to walk properly on his leash. This is important for the safety of your pet, and it is also beneficial for you as well.

Set small, easy goals when you start training your dog. Aside from being rewarded instantly for your success, this will also give your dog the important basis of what is an acceptable behavior or trick. This gives you greater results when training.

Even if you’ve had an untrained dog for some time now, you still may use the following information to make sure your dog is trained properly. However, you should act as soon as you can before your dog harms others due to ignorance.