Training your new dog can be quite the challenge. Go over this article to learn more about dog training and how to establish a bond with your pet.
As you work to crate train your dog, it is important to convey the notion that the crate is their home. To help your puppy feel at home, place your puppy’s food dish inside the crate. They’ll build a positive view of the crate this way.
Small steps, gentle ways and patience are all a part of getting your puppy used to their crate. When they seem comfortable in it with the door open, try shutting the gate and feed them treats through the wires. Only keep the gate closed for short periods of time at first and increase time slowly. If they become upset, you are moving too fast.
You should develop a feeding routine with your dog. He has to know when the food will arrive and it should be on schedule, but he also needs to know when the food will be removed again. Doing so will encourage your pooch to eat efficiently.
Refrain from using higher end training gadgets, such as shock collar devices. They may not work very well and are far too expensive. In addition, shock collars and related devices can actually irritate your dog and eradicate current good behaviors. It is common for these tactics to create adverse behavior.
Use a phrase on your puppy to house train him. When it’s time for him to go outside to do his business, say “Elimination Device…Activate!” or whatever phrase you chose to call his attention to the task at hand.
Whenever you want your dog to complete a task, you must reward it. It is important that your dog is able to establish a connection between the command and the action that gains a reward. This will teach your dog what behavior is correct and expected.
Be careful not to spend too much time at once training your dog. Your dog will get bored and antsy if you spend too much time on one thing. This is why you need to limit the time of your training sessions to around 10 minutes.
Positive Reinforcement
Only train your pet with positive reinforcement methods. Give your dog positive reinforcement if they do a good job. Do not yell at your dog or hit him. This is not a particularly effective form of training. Stay positive but stand your ground when training your dog.
The advice in this article should serve you well as you seek to build a better relationship with your pet. Your life will be enhanced by your newly calm, obedient and appreciative dog. Apply the techniques from this article and you will be on your way to having a well-behaved pet.